DK book ‘Graphic Design For Everyone’ created by consultant editor Cath Caldwell, is primarily aimed at start-ups, small businesses and community groups who want to grasp the principles of branding and graphic design, in order to promote their projects, events, or organisations. The book takes you through the building blocks of design – type, imagery, colour – and shows you how to use these tools to do it yourself.
Julia was asked to write the chapter that opens the book and precedes the chapters on visual style to help people understand the foundations of a brand. The chapter is divided into two sections.
The section titled ‘You And Your Audience’ explores the planning of a project: defining the aims of your project and writing a clear brief; researching your competitors and audience; auditing any current assets; finding your position in the market; and thinking about the message you want to convey with your brand.
The section titled ‘You And Your Brand’ introduces you to the different elements that make up a brand – verbal, visual and emotional, then (building on the research in the first section) helps you to draft your verbal narrative and to think about launching and future-proofing your project or brand.
Writing for brand
Consultant editor
Cath Caldwell
Contributing authors
Julia Woollams
Emily Wood
Johnny Belknap
Jamie Sanchez Hearn
DK senior editor
Rona Skene
DK senior art editor/designer
Alison Gardner