Brick is an independent boutique PR and comms agency specialising in music, media and culture, and House of DIY is Brick’s DIY arm where founder Rachel White helps startups and small businesses, by equipping them with PR, marketing and brand development skills, through coaching, events and consultancy.
With related ‘building’ names, the language was vital in bringing the brands alive, especially for the more recently established ‘House of DIY’. So a set of phrases were developed with a new graphic style, to promote the brand to prospective clients in a friendly way, such as ‘come on in’, ‘welcome to our house’, ‘no need to take your shoes off’.
The new visual brand has a feeling of DIY and openness, with House of DIY adopting a new symbol alluding to promotion as well as an open door, and Brick’s logo evolving to match. A free font for the new brands was deliberately chosen to complement the inclusive ethos of the organisations.